linking disaster resistance and energy efficiency: overview » introduction

Why should states and localities link efforts to improve both disaster resistance and energy efficiency in homes?

In recent years there has been a substantial amount of federal funding available to support energy-efficient home renovations, but few, if any, programs provide funding aim to enhance both energy efficiency and disaster resistance. Combining these two goals within funding and incentive programs could create more cost-effective solutions for home hazard mitigation and energy conservation. In other words, if homeowners and builders are already getting funding and incentives to incorporate energy-efficient features into homes, why not at the same time provide incentives for vital disaster-resistant features? Therefore, it is important to explore options for blending efforts to improve the disaster resistance of housing with efforts to promote residential energy-efficiency.

Click on the links below to learn more about linking efforts to improve the disaster resistance and energy efficiency of homes:

IscaniExpand research and technical assistance to help communities build both safer and greener

Fall Creek PlaceIncorporate technologies that provide both disaster resistance and energy efficiency

Create programs that provide incentives for both disaster-resistant and energy-efficient improvements

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