
Welcome to HousingPolicy.org Minnesota, a policy toolbox developed by Urban Land Institute - Minnesota (ULI MN) and the Regional Council of Mayors (RCM) as part of their Housing Initiative launched in 2008.

The Housing Initiative supports a collaborative learning community among public and private stakeholders. To disseminate local and national best practices, ULI MN/RCM partnered with the Center for Housing Policy to expand the national tool box with local application. HousingPolicy.org Minnesota provides easy access to principles and best practices related to the preservation and production of a full range of housing choices. The Minnesota site expands on the national framework by including categories focused on supporting connected livable communities and talking about a full range of housing choices.

The site will be regularly updated and is arranged in an easy-to-navigate format that includes the categories:
Within each category, a drop-down menu includes:
We appreciate the opportunity to partner with the Center for Housing Policy to support this innovative partnership that serves as a model for connecting national and local best practices.

Click here to learn more about the site, or click here to visit the Toolbox.