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Looking for Affordable Housing? Minnesota has been created as a resource to help state and local leaders and other interested in developing stronger housing policies in support of a full range of housing choices. In Minnesota, we are able to provide access to direct assistance for individuals and families looking for affordable homes through Housing Link at HousingLink is a primary distributor of affordable housing information to service agencies, housing providers, and policymakers in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and selected regions in Greater Minnesota. HousingLink's mission is to connect people and communities to information that supports the resolution of their affordable housing issues. HousingLink would like to see that everyone has the information needed to obtain and keep safe, affordable housing.

In addition, incentives and resources for purchasing and renovating your home can be found at LiveMSP for Minneapolis and St. Paul and The HousingResourceCenter (TM) for many Twin Cities suburban communities.  Please note that these sites are independently maintained and we cannot verify the accuracy or the frequency of updates. 

Go to the National site for a list of affordable home resources in other states.